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N2 by Kurogami and Shiawase

הסדנה הסתיימה. נתראה באירוע הבא!




פרטים יבשים:

מתי? 1, 2, 3 בחודש יוני 2023.

שעות? 10:00-17:00

כמה? 2000 ש”ח לזוג.

*מחיר הסדנה כולל כניסה זוגית להופעה ביום חמישי.

הסדנה תתקיים באנגלית!

שימו לב לדרישות הקדם! מוזמנים לדבר איתנו דרך העמוד אם יש לכם שאלות.

דרישות קדם:

1) סט של לכל הפחות 12 חבלים טבעיים באורכים של 7-8 מטר כל אחד (עובי 5-6 ממ)

2) השתתפות בסדנה מותנית בהשתתפות קודמת בסדנת Naka Ryu 1 של kinbakuluxuria/ Kinkyphilia / Peter Soptic או בהתאם לשיקול הדעת של המורה לאחר בדיקת הרמה (דברו איתנו אם רלוונטי).

3) על הקושרים/ות להרגיש בטוחים בתליות סספנשן ואיכות רתמת הטיקיי (של Kinbakuluxuria) שלהם/ן. בנוסף, יש להכיר היטב את הרתמות והתליות הבסיסיות של הסגנון.

ועכשיו בפירוט: 

Kinbaku Class #2

In this class we start from the concepts of semenawa that we taught in Class #1.
We will complete the skill set that any rigger has to acquire to tie in this style, but we will also work on aesthetics and advanced communication through advanced ties.

Some of the ties will contain important elements, such as transitions, body handling and manipulation and drills that will boost efficiency. Some other ties will offer enough room for improvisation – we will start from a concept, the demo will offer a common starting point, then we leave the students free to interpret that concept.

We will go deeper in the spirit of Japanese semenawa. Very important topics such as the beauty of suffering, tradition, legacy and heritage will be covered – as our style is not just about shapes, and the context really matters to understand what our style is about.

The workshop will cover:
3-ropes gote and variations – as adapted by Wildties from Naka-ryu to improve safety without losing the spirit
Advanced suspensions of the style, as per Kurogami’s interpretation
Transitions and body handling & manipulation
2-ropes armbinder for suspension
Traditional Japanese style aesthetics
Communication through ropes.

Riggers have attended Class #1 with Kinkyphilia – or with Kinbaku LuXuria or with Peter Soptik. We will admit people who haven’t studied with the people mentioned above only when they can prove that they have achieved an equivalent level.
Rigger must have a solid knowledge of Kinbaku LuXuria’s gote and of all the basic patterns and suspension of the style
Models should be confident with TK / Gote and they have to be confident with suspensions.
12 ropes (natural fibre) will be required. Suggested size: 5-6mm diameter and 7-8m length.

Andrea Kurogami, 35 years old. In 2014 he met Shiawase and they became partners in life.
Together, they started to study Japanese bondage at the end of 2016, with Riccardo and Red Sabbath. From that moment on, their way of living bondage changed. In 2017 Kurogami and Shiawase gave life to Kinkyphilia, a project for sharing their way of living alternative sexuality and especially the way in which they live kinbaku. In February 2018 Kurogami became a Kinbaku LuXuria’s certified educator, definitely matching Riccardo’s educational values. In December 2019 Kurogami and Shiawase performed at the 25th Nawa Naka Kai in Tokyo, together with Riccardo and Naka-san. In November 2022 he has been certified by Riccardo to teach level #1 of the style together with Soptik, making them the only 2 people officially authorised to teach Riccardo’s style to an intermediate level.

Kinbaku LuXuria is a traditional style, which directly descends from Naka-ryu. Riccardo introduced a technical re-engineering in order to make the style fit with Western body types that didn’t undermine the original spirit of the style. Semenawa, the tormenting rope, is the word that better resume the mood of this style. Riccardo is Naka-san’s Ichi-ban deshii and according to the will of his sensei he is the one who is designated to convey the style. In addition to several workshops and shows that Riccardo held in Europe and North America with his partner Red Sabbath, he performed several times in very important Japanese events in Tokyo, such as Maniac Festival and Nawa Naka Kai.

Event Details

Date: June 01, 2023

Start time: 10:00 IDT

End time: 17:00 IDT

Venue: Morikai Studio

Phone: +972 54 656 2242

Email: morikaistudio@gmail.com